Maxim Ays Girlfriend, Shirtless, Captain Carter in Sanditon. Let’s continue blogging about them Sanditon hunks, shall we? Sanditon what, you ask!!! Okay, for those of you not in the know, Sanditon is a TV show about the Regency era which aired on PBS back in 2019. Not a lot of people watched it so it was cancelled after the first season. But then Bridgerton, another Regency era drama, dropped in 2020 and became a very big hit for Netflix proving that there is an audience for this kind of shows. So fans of Sanditon — and this includes Deena who is one of your four Famewatchers — went on overdrive on social media to save the now cancelled show.
Wonder of wonders, the Sanditon powers-that-be listened to the fans and looked at the big audience which Bridgerton generated and they decided to un-cancel the show. Its second season is set to premiere next week, 20 March. Yay!
This of course, gives us an excuse to blog about Maxim Ays — who will be playing a military officer called Capt. William Carter. Check him out looking fly in his red military uniform:
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