Robert Christopher Riley Shirtless, Underwear, Girlfriend

Robert Christopher Riley Shirtless, Part II. Want more shirtlessness from our hunky actor? Of course you do, which is why we are updating this post to give you what you want.

But before anything else, have you checked out the Dynasty reboot yet where Robert is one of the main characters? You should if you love twisty soap operas. Critics were divided during its first season (49% fresh rating) but the audience views the show more favorably (78% audience score).

Anyhoo, Robert Christopher will continue to star in the upcoming fourth season of the show but we do not know when that will air given how Miss Rona disrupted Hollywood productions. Also, check him out in an upcoming movie called N*ked Singularity where he co-stars with Bill Skarsgard, John Boyena, and many others.

Oh wait, we said we’d bring you more shirtless photos of the actor, right?

Robert Christopher Riley body abs

Want more black male celebrities?

Robert Christopher Riley body

Robert Christopher Riley shirtless - dynasty actor

Robert Christopher Riley shirtless body

Hey, a peekabo underwear. Apparently, the actor wears Polo Ralph Lauren undies.

Robert Christopher Riley underwear peekabo

Robert Christopher Riley Gay or Girlfriend and Shirtless Photos (24 September 2017). Let us continue blogging about the hunks of Dynasty which, as we’ve mentioned earlier, is being rebooted on The CW. Famewatchers, say hello to Robert Christopher Riley, a 36 year old American actor who will be playing the role of Michael Culhane, chauffeur and lover to one of show’s lead characters. With a sculpted body like this, we ain’t surprised his boss would love to shag him. Hehe.

rob riley sexy washboard abs

For those of you wondering, Robert’s boss/lover ain’t James Mackay. He ain’t gonna be in a gay relationship but you gotta watch the show when it premieres in the coming weeks to find out who our Michael is shaggin’.

robert christopher riley gay or straight

Does he have the best washboard abs in the biz or what. Yum.

robert christopher riley shirtless body

How did Robert build a body like a Greek god? The answer, of course, is simply diet and exercise.

Here’s what he told Wiles Magazine: ““I hate [doing] cardio, but it’s incredibly important for heart health and in terms of looking lean. However, I primarily eat weights. I typically wake up in the morning and take a 45-pound plate, break it into pieces, put it in a blender with some protein powder, skim milk and ice… Et Voila! Six-pack abs!”

Aside from his Dynasty gig, Riley is also a regular on the VH1 show Hit the Floor.

Robert Christopher Riley Gay or Straight? He is straight. And he is apparently single, at least according to the people of However here are some girls Riley brought to red carpet events as his date.

robert christopher riley girlfriend or wife2

Wondering whether Robert wears boxers or briefs? Well, the photo below should answer the question. Hehe.

robert christopher underwear kontrol homme

Robert Christopher Riley Gay or Girlfriend and Shirtless Photos. Posted 24 September 2017. Last updated: September 22, 2020 at 4:55 am.