Kenny Chesney Shirtless, Young, Tank Top Muscle Shirts

Kenny Chesney Shirtless, Young, and Tank Top Muscle Shirts. Eleven years later, we are updating this post mainly to publish more Kenny Chesney hotness both from the time when he was an up-and-coming country singer. As well as these more recent photos where he looks totally in shape.

You gotta give it to the guy, he’s now 52 years old but he can outhunk any country singer or any male celebrity in their 40s, 30s, or even 20s.

Anyhoo, here are some photos of Kenny looking gorgeous as a youngling:

kenny chesney young

kenny chesney young hunk

Damn, he looks great in his tank top shirt, doesn’t he?

kenny chesney tank top shirt

We also give props to Kenny for being one of the few country singers who have no problem taking off his shirt. Want more shirtless country singers?

kenny chesney shirtless - sexy upper body

shirtless country singer - kenny chesney - facebook

Kenny’s shirtless photo below is probably our favorite among his many shirtless pics. Hehe.

kenny chesney body

How does he keep in shape, you ask? He’s a very active and sporty guy.

kenny chesney football player

Here’s Kenny from 2015 looking great chillin’ on the beach with some bros:

kenny chesney shirtless body

And here are more recent photos of the country singer. He continues to rock his tank top shirt:

kenny chesney now - whats he doing

kenny chesney now - hot daddy

Is Kenny Chesney Gay? (12 February 2009). We don’t know if the country singer is gay or not but we do know that, based on the pic below, he’s got a great body. That’s all we’re going to say about that. But let’s have Kenny Chesney answer the all-important question.

kenney chesney washboard abs

From “He said he became angry when rumors began circulating that he was gay after ‘fraud’ was listed as the reason for the annulment. ‘I talked to my attorney and her attorney,’ Chesney told Playboy contributing editor Rob Tannenbaum. ‘In order for us to get an annulment, the legal papers could claim either physical abuse, which wasn’t true, or three or four other things that also weren’t true. The best thing we could put in there was fraud. So I said, ’All right, do it. Whatever.'”

The report continues: “As for the rumor, Chesney said, ‘That is the most unbelievable thing in the world. … What guy who loves girls wouldn’t be angry about that shit? I didn’t sign up for that. I think people need to live their lives the way they want to, but I’m pretty confident in the fact that I love girls. (laughs) I’ve got a long line of girls who could testify that I am not gay.'”

So there you have it. Bottomline: He is not a friend of Dorothy. Can we end the endless speculation now, guys?

Kenny Chesney Shirtless, Young, and Tank Top Muscle Shirts. Posted 12 February 2009. Last updated: July 22, 2020 at 14:22 pm.