Superman Underwear For Men: Looking to buy some Superman underwear for men? Well check out these undies and see which of them is fit for yourself or for your man.
Let’s start with this model threesome. Who looks best in his Superman underwear for men? Is it Ryan Betroche (left). Or would you give your vote to Franky Cammarata (center)? If you are our friend Deena, you’d pick Adam Coussins or the model on the right pointing at his Superman briefs.
Ryan needs no introduction because he is one of the top male models right now. In fact, he is listed by as one of its S*xiest Male Models. Apparently, you can make the list if you have 1) underwear, fragrance or swimwear campaign; 2) top tier editorials; and 3) a body that won’t quit.
Meanwhile, Franky is modeling an outfit from the 2016 Simons men’s underwear collection. Simons, a Canadian brand, must really love Franky because he also modeled for them in 2015.
One of our favorite male models, Scott Herman, gets ready to fly in his Superman briefs. Where’s your cape, Scott?
Want a model twosome? We bring you Seth Kuhlmann (left) and Jesse Dunphy (right). Who’d you rather?
Jesse is technically not wearing a Superman underwear for men but we inluded him because he kinda looks like actor Henry Cavill.
Meanwhile, Seth Kuhlmann played football in college. Then he turned to modeling. Then he turned to acting and, to date, he has four acting credits to his name on IMDB. Is he going to be the next big male-model-turned-famous-actor like Ashton Kutcher? We sure hope so!
Now, fellow Famewatchers, please help us ID the next model because we do not know his name. He is what we call a hunky geek. Or a geeky hunk. Hunkiness + geekiness is the best combination in a man, isn’t it?
A male model in boxer briefs. Fly, Superman, fly!
Here’s another male model we hope some of you can identify. Again, if you happen to know his name, please tell us in the comments.
It’s not all briefs and boxer briefs when it comes to Superman underwear for men. You can find some thermal underwear for men too. You should buy a pair now that the winter months are coming.
Superman Underwear For Men: Male Models in Briefs, Boxers, and Thermals. Posted 28 June 2016. Last updated: February 16, 2020 at 16:38 pm.