Hot Vietnamese Guys: Le Minh Hieu, Male Model

Hot Vietnamese Guys: Le Minh Hieu, Male Model. Looking for Vietnamese male models in their underwear? Well, check out these photos of Le Minh Hieu modeling briefs and square-cut boxers underwear.

hot vietnamese guys model underwear

According to Teh Internets, Le Minh Hieu is 22 years old and is a student of Ho Chi Minh University in Saigon, Vietnam. We’re guessing this means we should include him in our college jocks category.

Hot Vietnamese Guys Le Minh Hieu underwear

By the way, the underwear that our Vietnamese hunk is wearing is a brand called Seahorse Underwear from Minh Nguyen Fashion of Vietnam. The company is fairly new as it was established in 2007 but its male underwear collection is fabulous, chic, and stylish. Great design, Seahorse people. And, we must also say this, don’t you just like the brand name Seahorse? It’s so manly….. so masculine. We’d love to have our man wear a Seahorse undies. Hehe.

Anyhoo, let’s have more Seahorse underwear photos from our Vietnamese hunk Le Minh Hieu. Le in his skimpy jockstraps. Forgive us if we drool. Hehe. Tight briefs for Le Minh Hieu, its also from Seahorse.

Of course, Le doesn’t just model men’s underwear. He models other clothing outfits too and he looks great in them. Isn’t he hot in his body-fitting tank top muscle shirt?

Hot Vietnamese Guys Le Minh Hieu tank top

He looks gorgeous in his blue jeans and … wow …. those are some mean sculpted washboard ab muscles. That’s what our friend Deena calls, Them Lickable Sixpack abs.

Hot Vietnamese Guys Le Minh Hieu shirtless

Beach shorts, boxer shorts, and cargo shorts all look fabulous on this gorgeous Vietnamese male model. We’re not sure if all these outfits are also from Seahorse but the boxer shorts is.

Hot Vietnamese Guys Le Minh Hieu beach shorts

Hot Vietnamese Guys Le Minh Hieu model

Hot Vietnamese Guys Le Minh Hieu boxer shorts

But let’s go back to Le Minh Hieu’s underwear photos, shall we? Yes we shall! And here are more pics of our Vietnamese jock wearing a pair of Prada boxer briefs underwear. [Oops, sorry, we had to delete it.] How gorgeous is he? Okay, those of you who want to ogle at the hotness of Vietnamese men should check out Johnny Nguyen and the handsome jock that is Cao Lam Vien.