Vincent Rodriguez Shirtless Photos: Crazy Ex Girlfriend

Vincent Rodriguez III Shirtless, Part II. Five years after we posted this back in 2015, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is no more as it wrapped up in April 2019. We were saddened when it ended but we’re glad it ended on its own terms unlike, you know, some shows that are unceremoniously yanked off the air. It may not have gotten big ratings but Crazy Ex is critically acclaimed, won tons of awards, and is beloved by its fans.

Anyhoo, lest we forget, this post is actually about Josh aka Vincent and we are bringing you more shirtlessness and underwear photos from the guy. We grabbed these images from his Insta which you might want to follow @vrodrigueziii:

vincent rodriguez shirtless body

Awww! What a hunk.

vincent rodriguez iii underwear

vincent rodriguez iii speedo

vincent rodriguez iii shirtless

For those wondering, he is married to Gregory Wright. Apparently, they tied the knot in August 2015. Here’s one of their wedding photos.

vincent rodriguez husband wedding

Looking nifty in his suit and tie on the red carpet.

vincent rodriguez hot in suit

With Crazy Ex onsceen girlfriend Rachel Bloom:

vincent rodriguez girlfriend rachel bloom in crazy ex

Nice. A man in tight shirt, what’s not to like?

vincent rodriguez body2

vincent rodriguez body

Vincent Rodriguez Shirtless Photos (13 December 2015). Oooohh, mmmmyyy there’s a new Asian guy in tinseltown. And, in a TV first, he is the object of desire. If you’ve been watching the critical hit Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on The CW you would know that we are talking about Vincent Rodriguez III who plays the role of Josh Chan. Check out his shirtless pics:

vincent rodriguez iii underwear - boxer briefs - faux muscles

Now those are awesome six pack abs, no? Nah, not really. According to his Instagram post, those are just faux muscles. You can call it the magic of makeup.

But, after working out in the gym, Vincent did post this photo of him with some real hot abs. Nice bod, Mr. Rodriguez.

vincent rodriguez shirtless body

More pics of Vincent from his Instagram account. Follow him @vrodrigueziii.

vincent rodriguez gay or straight2

Hi, there! You wavin’ at me?

vincent rodriguez hot asian guy in crazy ex girlfriend

More Vincent Rodriguez shirtless pics:

vincent rodriguez shirtless - pinoy hunk in crazy ex girlfriend

What Vincent Rodriguez shirtless photo is your favorite? Tell us in the comments.

Wanna know more about Vincent Rodriquez III? Well, here’s an excerpt from an interview with the Asian Journal where he talks about lots of stuff:

On his family: “I was the bunso (youngest child). My sisters are all smart, musically talented, and into theater. I [had] really powerful role models growing up.

“My family was always supportive of me, but it was not an easy journey. My dad didn’t always think I could make this [acting] into a viable career. When it came to showbiz-ness, he wanted me to be a businessman. But that initial resilience pushed me to be a harder worker, and has made me even more passionate about what I do.”

On Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend explores this idea of feeling crazy over someone. When you’re in love, it’s fun, ridiculous, and exciting.

“As the show progresses, you learn what makes Rebecca that way–she’s just a normal girl in love. Each of us have been in a place where we’ve been infatuated with someone or the idea of someone, the idea of love, and we’ve all done pretty crazy things because of it.”

On the character he plays, Josh Chan: “There’s such a crazy parallel between my character, Josh Chan, and who I am as a person. From Josh’s personality, his family and friends, and how he grew up–it’s kind of scary.

“You’re going to meet Josh Chan, find out that he’s Filipino, and see his family values. The Chan family dynamic is very true to form–it feels very real to my own family. It’s exciting to see Filipino culture being portrayed in the mainstream.”

On the growing number of Asian American actors on TV: “It means that we’ve evolved, that we’re at a new place when it comes to television. It’s breaking ground. You know how there’s always ‘the Black guy,’ or ‘the Mexican guy?’ I always wanted to be the ASIAN guy, the mirror of society.

“As a Filipino actor, I always wanted to be a part of the growth of Asian-American representation on TV and onstage. Now I feel like I’m a part of that journey to exposing modern, cultural America. I’m hoping that my presence in this show will open up the minds of the Filipino community, especially young Filipino men.”

We’re loving the show. For sure. Okay, our only complaint is that there ain’t no Vincent Rodriguez shirtless scenes. Or maybe we missed them. But we give the show props for giving us this hilarious scene where he performs as “A Boy Band Made Up of Four Joshes”. Watch:

Vincent himself explains the Four Joshes in an interview with

REGULAR JOSH: “The leader of the band, the Justin Timberlake, if you will. He’s the closest to Reality Josh.”

SENSITIVE JOSH: “The newest member of the boy band… He’s the youngest. He’s really excited to be there. He takes the choreography to another level. He’s more in touch with his feminine side.”

BAD BOY JOSH: “The oldest one… He comes with a darker, checkered past. He has a history of substance abuse. If he was driving the van to the next gig, he’d probably crash the van or get in an accident. And he just hates regular Josh. He thinks he’s a d—-bag. Bad Boy Josh has a lot of aggression in him, but he also loves the ladies.”

GOOFBALL JOSH: He “really doesn’t care. His uncle probably owns the label attached to the boy band. He’s the class clown. He can dance and do hip-hop, but he really doesn’t care to be there. He just wants to have fun and make fun of everyone and drink Slurpees and get a sugar high.”

Want more Asian dudes who are making their mark in Hollywood? Check out our post on The Badlands’ Daniel Wu.

Vincent Rodriguez Shirtless Photos: Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Posted 13 December 2015. Last updated: April 4, 2021 at 3:52 am.