Tom Ford Male Underwear Models 2021 Edition

Tom Ford Male Underwear Models 2021 Edition. Tom Ford may be best known for dressing up James “007” Bond in his body-hugging tailored suits but did you know he is producing men’s underwear too? Yeah, apparently, the brand decided to expand its menswear line by providing some competition — some would hope a stiff one — to the likes of Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Emporio Armani, and other famous brands who are making moolah from hiding men’s family jewels. Haha.

tom ford male underwear models - Andrew Biernat actor

Can’t say we are surprised by this move by the brand. Men’s underwear smells money and according to, the market size value of men’s underwear worldwide is placed at USD 33 billion last year and is projected to grow to USD 42 billion in 2025.

Famous design labels will be losing out if they don’t try to carve their share of the pie especially if some celebrities, like Gossip Girl’s Thomas Doherty in the photo below, are not shy about walking around in public with your underwear brand for all to see:

tom ford male underwear models - Thomas Doherty gossip girl set

Tom Ford launched its underwear line two years ago at the fall/winter 2018 NY Fashion Week, here are some of the looks from his first ever collection:

tom ford male underwear models - fall 2018 ny fashion week2

tom ford male underwear models - fall 2018 ny fashion week

More about the launch from Paper City Magazine: “Tom Ford’s underwear line features standard colors of white, black and grey, but what makes this launch so intriguing is the range of skin tones being offered. Ford’s inspiration came from the 1960s and ’70s when he noticed women wearing flesh-colored stockings matching their skin tone. In designing the underwear, he created six different skin tone colors in cotton with the idea that a man could literally look almost n*ked when he took his clothes off, apart from the Tom Ford waistband.”

And, because some of you are all about hunky men in their underoos, here are some models who have posed for the brand. James Barrett:

tom ford male underwear models - jordan barrett

Parker Van Noord:

tom ford male underwear models - Parker van Noord

Michael Ayeboua:

tom ford male underwear models - Michael Ayeboua

Benjamin Shepherd for Luscious Magazine:

tom ford male underwear models - benjamin shepherd for luscious magazine

British actor and model Kelly Osasere:

tom ford male underwear models - kelly osasere british actor

And these seemingly floating threesome consisting of Conor Fay, Valentine Rontez, and Sebastien Schmid:

tom ford male underwear models - Conor Fay Valentine Rontez and sebastien schmid

Tom Ford Male Underwear Models 2021 Edition. Last updated: April 4, 2021 at 8:00 am.