Category Archives: Shirtless in Jeans

Hot men go shirtless in jeans. Photos and blog posts about famous actors, athletes, models, and other male celebrities wearing jeans with no shirt.

Bobby Cannavale Shirtless, Young, Girlfriend, Emmy Awards

Bobby Cannavale Shirtless, Young, Girlfriend, Emmy Awards. Are we the only ones late in the Bobby Cannavale Appreciation Train? We may be late but we are glad we’re finally on board. So how did we discover him? We were watching an episode of Will and Grace, he appeared onscreen and we went like, “Who’s that good-looking guy in police uniform?”

bobby cannavale gay cop in will and grace

Those of you who watched the show already know the answer. His name is Bobby Cannavale and he is playing the role of Will Truman’s boyfriend Vince D’Angelo. Too bad these two lovebirds did not end up together but Vince did find a husband in the person of another policeman. Awww.

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Chandler Massey Shirtless, Emmy Awards, Girlfriend

Chandler Massey Shirtless, Emmy Awards, Girlfriend. Today in shirtless in jeans, we bring you a young Chandler Massey posing for the photo below. He’s hawt, hawt, hawt ain’t he? However, our friend Kevin insists that we should apologize because, technically, our young Chandler is not really shirtless but is, instead, wearing an open shirt. Our friend is, of course, right! So apologies to you all. Hehe. But we do have shirtless pics of our imaginary beau as you will note below.

Chandler Massey shirtless body

Anyhoo, our favorite Days Of Our Lives actor is currently starring on a Hallmark Christmas movie which started airing this month. You should check it out on the Hallmark Channel.

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Jack Martin Shirtless, Girlfriend, La Brea Actor

Jack Martin Shirtless, Girlfriend, La Brea Actor. Aside from Eoin Macken, another actor who’s starring on the NBC show La Brea is 26-year-old actor Jack Martin who’s playing the role of Josh Harris. If you’ve been watching the show, Josh is the son of Gavin Harris who is played by Eoin so Jack and Eoin are playing father and son on the series which continues to top the ratings despite the drubbing it received from critics (it currently has a 38% rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes).

jack martin fashion style

La Brea is the actor’s first major acting gig; he first appeared in an episode of the legal drama All Rise on CBS. Apparently, before he became an actor, our Jack was a student in Georgetown University where he graduated with a Bachelor in Arts degree. Afterwards, he then attended the NYU Tisch’s Stonestreet Studios Film & TV conservatory where he focused on screen acting.

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Kekoa Kekumano Shirtless, Girlfriend, Ethnicity

Kekoa Kekumano Shirtless, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Famewatchers, say hi to our current imaginary boyfriend. His name is Kekoa Kekumano, a 23-year-old Hawaiian hunk of a man who stars in The White Lotus on HBO Max which is one of this year’s legit television hits. Oh, did we say he looks great when he chucks off his shirt? Hot damn!

Kekoa Kekumano shirtless body in jeans

The White Lotus may be our imaginary beau’s most buzzworthy project but he’s been in the biz since 2016 when he appeared in the TV movie A Midsummer’s Hawaiian Dream. Also, he actually starred as the young Arthur Curry/Aquaman in the 2018 movie Aquaman which made more than a billion US dollars worldwide. Here’s Kekoa with Jason Momoa who played the adult Aquaman: , the actor in the makeup room for his transformation as Aquaman, and one of his scenes in the movie:

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Pierre Louis Shirtless Mexican Actor

Pierre Louis Shirtless Mexican Actor. Thirsty Famewatchers, want more hunky guys from south of the border? Well, say hi to our imaginary Mexican boyfriend Pierre Louis who is currently starring on the Netflix show Everything Will Be Fine.

Pierre Louis underwear peekabo - mexican actor

Boy, Netflix really should do a better job of presenting its shows in its very own platform. All we see are the same shows over and over generated by an AI bot which must have been programmed by a dummy because when we click at “New releases” all we see are the same shows we watched months ago. Everything Will Be Fine does not come up at all which is a disappointment because we are fans of showrunner/producer Diego Luna and we’d love to watch his projects. So, Netflix, why hire and pay good money to people to make movies and TV shows if you are going to hide these projects from viewers. So, annoying!

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Nick Uhlenhuth Shirtless Tech Nerd on Netflix’s The Circle

Nick Uhlenhuth Shirtless Tech Nerd on Netflix’s The Circle. Let’s continue blogging about Netflix hunks and, this time, let us check out Nick Uhlenluth who — like Calvin Kiing Crooks and Matt Pappadia — will be playing on the upcoming third season of The Circle. In his intro video, Nick identifies as a nerd having graduated from MIT but you wouldn’t know it if all you see are his photos where he poses like a real deal male model who got some clues from Tyra.

Nick Uhlenhuth shirtless with abs

Like, hello!!! Who says tech guys can’t be hottie hunks hunks and who says guys with sculpted abs can’t be tech nerds. Seriously, gone are the days when the only ones that come to mind when you think of tech nerds are Mark Corrigan and Jeremy Usborne on the Peep Show. From now on, this image of a shirtless Nick lounging in his torn jeans should come to mind too.

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