Category Archives: Netflix Styling Hollywood

Styling Hollywood Recap Episode 4: Kafia Ahmed is Gone Forever?

Styling Hollywood Recap: Kafia Ahmed Goodbye Forever or For Now? The fourth episode of Styling Hollywood shows us the challenges of having a friend as an employee (or as an employer). As we mentioned in our first Styling Hollywood recap, operations manager Kafia Ahmed and her boss Adair Curtis have a soft of on-again/off-again relationship whereby Kafia is either fired (according to Adair) or resigns (according to Kafia) but then is subsequently either re-hired or un-resigns.

We get a clearer understanding of this less than ideal relationship when Katya arrived late for work and when, while on an errand with her boss driving the car, she was texting and talking updates with her side gig contacts.

At the end of the episode, in a restaurant where the two met for dinner presumably to hash things out, Kafia stated that maybe its time for her to leave JSN while Adair expressed that if she feels that she is not appreciated then she should go. They were kinda talking at the same time so we are not sure whether she resigned first or whether he fired her first.

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Styling Hollywood Review: Melinda Elvenes is the MVP of Episode 3

Styling Hollywood Review: Melinda Elvenes is the MVP of Episode 3. The third episode presents us with the old age question that couples often have to confront: What do you do when one is ready to have a baby while the other is not?

Previously, we learned that Adair Curtis is ready to have a baby and has scheduled a surrogacy appointment while Jason Bolden is hesitant and having second thoughts about the idea although he did earlier agree to said appointment. As may be expected, this difference in what they want for such an important aspect of their lives, leads to an argument which boils over to the third episode.

jason bolden adair curtis baby discussion - styling hollywood

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Styling Hollywood Recap Review: Episodes 1 and 2

Styling Hollywood Recap Review: Episodes 1 and 2. We chanced upon the show Styling Hollywood on Netflix and, although we did not really plan to watch it,  we decided to click on it and immediately fell in love. In fact, we loved it so much that we decided to do these recaps.

Why did we fell in love with the show? It’s a bit hard to explain why but one of the things we love about it is its wholesomeness and peacefulness which reminds us of Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up. You know, its just normal people doing normal things.  We also love the behind-the-scenes look on Hollywood glamour which reminds us of Kathy Griffin’s Life on the D-List.

Lastly, we just love, love, love the show’s cast who are making it in a very competitive business without being catty or crazy or delusional. They’re just good people and how can you not love good people in a town like Hollywood?

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