Look Like Justin Bieber: G-Star Macc Bomber Jacket. G-Star Macc bomber jacket on Justin Bieber, what’s not to like? Well, we’re pretty sure his millions of fans are liking it. And we won’t be surprised if some of them are looking for G-Star Macc bomber jackets so they can dress like Bieber. Nothing wrong with that of course. We’ve done more stupid things when we were teens idolizing a celebrity. We are not gonna name our former idol because it will embarrass us to admit that we were captivated by him once. Hint, his initials are M.J. Hehe.
Anyhoo, So you want to dress like your idol, eh? Well well well. Your idol sure knows how to pick his fashion, doesn’t he? Of course he does.
Want more Justin Bieber? Check him out in his Harrington jacket. Better yet, see him ride his Ferrari F430. Wait, there’s more! Here’s your idol looking like Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer while wearing a G-Star Raw and G-STAR Blouson Macc Bomber.
How exactly does he look like Rudolf, you ask? Well, not really, but his bright red jacket reminded us of Rudolf for some reason. Haha.
Okay, those of you Justin Bieber fans who’d like to dress like your idol should also learn how to find color themes when picking your clothes. Obviously, Justin is going for the Santa theme (or Christmas theme) when he decided to wear a red G-Star Macc Bomber jacket, red underwear, red belt, and a shoes with a dark red sole.
Good thing he didn’t wear his pair of red pants — see Justin Bieber Levis — because that would be overdoing it.