Lifeguards in Speedo. Are lifeguards awesome? Of course they are. They save lives. They’re one of the few subgroup of men who look great in Speedo swimsuits (not surprisingly, the other groups would include male divers and swimmers and British dudes like David Beckham and Daniel Craig hehe).
And they save lives. Oh, we said that already. But we cannot emphasize enough the life-saving role of lifeguards. After all, our friend Deena does not call them “the angels in the water” for nothing.
Now, we gotta admit that there guys are not real-life lifeguards. As far as we are aware of, anyway. They are more like models posing as lifeguards rather than lifeguards in real life.
Anyhoo, here are some photos of hunky and sexy lifeguards (again, male model lifeguards) looking good in their Speedo swimsuits. If we are not mistaken, this guy’s name is Dave Wilkinson. He may or may not be a lifeguard in real life. He’s got the lifeguard’s body, though.
Now, our next lifeguards in speedo is Tim Hobards and his friends. Probably some of you are familiar with Tim because he starred in The Bachelor Australia. Want to see more of Tim Hobards?
Is “lifeguarding” a job that any of you Famewatchers would like to do? What are the pros and cons of the job? The most important “pro” for us would be the fact that your work is also a workout. As a result, your body will be in the best of shape and you’d be the envy of your mates. Imagine yourself having a body similar to the one below.
Now, the disadvantage of “lifeguarding” is the fact that you are exposed to the elements. You might get sunburn. And, you can get windburn too if you are assigned at the beach. So skin damage is something you should protect yourself against if you want to continue being a lifeguard.
Lifeguards in Speedo Swimsuits: Angels of the Waters. 29 June 2016. Last updated: February 16, 2020 at 16:24 pm.