Josh Reddick Speedo Baseball Hunk: Gay or Girlfriend?

Josh Reddick Speedo Baseball Hunk: Gay or Girlfriend? Is Houston Astros outfielder Josh Reddick trying to emulate former baseballer-turned-model Gabe Kapler who’s known for posing in his Speedo suits and underwear? Well, if Josh is trying to to a Kapler, he sure is in the right track. The baseball star stripped to his American flag Speedo to celebrate their victory over the Boston Red Sox. Check out his photos:

Josh Reddick Speedo

Want a closer look?

baseball speedo josh reddick

Here’s another one:

Josh Reddick Speedo baseball star

From the rear end:

Josh Reddick Speedo2

So what do you think of Josh’s Speedo game? Not bad, eh? Hopefully, some magazine would ask him to model for them a-la Gabe Kapler. We think he’ll rock the skimpy leopard print Speedo just like Kapler did. Hehe.

Apparently, this is not the first time our $52-million man (he’s got a contract with the Astros for that amount) posed in his underoos in public. Check out  the next photo below:

Josh Reddick underwear briefs

That’s our Josh in the background rocking a pair of colorful briefs underwear. Niiiiccceeee!

Josh Reddick Girlfriend. So what does Josh’s girlfriend think about his Speedo/underwear shenanigans? Well, it turns out that he does not have a girlfriend at the moment. Hmmm, maybe he has a boyfriend Nah, we do not think so. If he’s got a boyfriend, he’d have asked Josh to get rid of his facial hair which hides his gorgeousness. Hehe. Seriously, check out Josh with a beard and without one. Which version do you like better?

josh reddick hot

We like the bare-faced Josh, but that’s us.

josh reddick young

Anyhoo, according to dating history website, the baseball hunk is “possibly single” and that it has “no records of past relationships for Josh Reddick”. Well, maybe this means he is more committed to pursuing his career rather than be in relationships (which could be good but could also be messy. But then again, maybe our Josh is just good at not making his relationships public.

Josh Reddick Speedo Baseball Hunk: Gay or Girlfriend? Posted 13 October 2017.