Indiana Jones Harrison Ford Leather Jackets and Hats. Because we love us our Indiana Jones as well as our Harrison Ford, we decided to do a post on the many leather jackets that our Indiana/Harrison wore in the movies.
Let’s start with Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Leather Hats + Jackets in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (26 October 2010). Did we tell you that we here at Famewatcher love us our Indiana Jones? Yes we do! So let’s check out them fabulous hats and leather jackets on the movie’s cast. Let’s start with the gorgeous Alison Doody above.
Then here’s the talented River Phoenix as young Indy. Does he look like Kevin Bacon?
Aww, how cute is the young Harrison Ford?
Harrison and his movie daddy, Sean Connery.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: Leather Jackets and Hats (27 October 2011). So, you want more Indiana Jones leather jackets and badass hats don’t you? You can’t get enough of them in The Last Crusade and Raiders of the Lost Ark, eh? Okay, here’s Indiana Jones’ and his badass hats in the third installment of the franchise, Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom.
If you’re a fan of the movie, you already know that this is where our Indy goes to India to romance an elephant. Hehe.
Well, not really. He went to India to romance Kate Capshaw. Or did he?
Nah, The Temple of Doom is all about Indy’s saber-rattling skills. Heeeeyaaaa! Want more hot men’s hats?
Indiana Jones Leather Jackets – Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – Harrison Ford + Shia Labeouf (28 October 2010). So this is where our Indiana Jones aka Harrison Ford gets old. Does that mean we will no longer be watching Indy and his badass leather jackets (which is pretty wearable even in hot tropical jungles)? Well, you need not worry because he is passing the torch to Shia La Beouf who also has a fondness for leather jackets and stuff.
Whip me daddy! I’m a bad boy (or girl).
Shia is the new Indiana.
Indiana Jones Harrison Ford Leather Jackets and Hats. Posted 25 October 2010. Last updated: April 19, 2020 at 10:26 am.