Category Archives: Hot British Men

Hot British men rule the male modeling world, movies, and sports world. See photos of British top athletes, male celebrities, and just shirtless Brits.

Gary Barlow – Take That – Underwear: Young & Old Photos

Gary Barlow and Take That Underwear: Boxers, Briefs, and Stuff. Seeing Gary Barlow’s boxers underwear on the pages of GQ Magazine UK prompted us to look for more underwear photos of the Take That vocalist and X-Factor judge. Boy, did we find delightful photos of the 40-something hunk from his younger days. Apparently, he and his fellow Take That boybanders loved to strip to their undies back in the day. Yay!

Gary as a nekkid blondie. The pic reminds us of those blond Russian/Eastern bad guys that are the staple of early 1980s cold-war movies. Still, we’d hit that. Can you imagine Gary still wearing a pair of briefs cut like this one?

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Andrew Garfield Leather Jacket, Jeans, Suit: Red Carpet Fashion Style

Andrew Garfield Leather Jacket, Jeans, Suit: Red Carpet Fashion Style. We’ve seen him in his underwear (see Andrew Garfield Underwear: Boxers or Briefs), now let’s check out up-and-coming Hollywood actor Andrew Garfield’s red carpet fashion style.

Unless you’ve been living in some cave in Afghanistan, we’re pretty sure you’re aware that the young British actor is starring in the reboot of Spiderman so he’s been circling around the world doing press tours and red carpet appearances to promote his movie. He should give himself a pat in the back because The Amazing Spiderman is getting pretty good reviews and those who are giving it a negative review are mostly doing so not because the movie is bad per se but because, in their opinion, its too soon to be rebooting a franchise which was just rebooted 10 years ago.

Anyhoo, let’s get back to talking about what Andrew’s been wearing while promoting his biggest movie (which has the potential of making him into a big Hollywood movie star) around the world.

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JLS Underwear Photos: Aston, JB, Oritse, & Marvin

Time to ogle again at some British hunks, don’t you think? This time, we bring you the JLS boys: Aston Merrygold, Oritsé Williams, Jonathan Benjamin “JB” Gill, and Marvin Humes. It’s been five years since their X Factor triumph (well, okay, they placed second to Alexandra Burke but that’s still definitely a triumph, right?) and they are still going strong.

Alexandra herself also continues to make headway in the music industry and like a true celebrity, she’s often the subject of gossip and “Did Alexandra Burke Have Plastic Surgery?” questions. It comes with the territory eh, Alexandra.

Oops, we almost totally got distracted there. This is about the JLS boys and their underwear so let’s have them, shall we? Let’s begin with a group photo where our singing quartet stripped to their boxer shorts in this shoot for Heat Magazine. Nice!

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Alexandra Burke Boyfriend: Nicholas Nick Sagar

Alexandra Burke Boyfriend: Nicholas Nick Sagar. Who is Nicholas Sagar? Well, according to the Daily Mail which quotes the News of the World, this Nicholas Sagar dude is the new boyfriend of X-Factor winner-turned Dolce and Gabbana model Alexandra Burke.

We’re guessing this means she called it quits with Cameron Quincy Jagher, who was reported as her boyfriend eight months ago. Or maybe, the earlier stories about a Cameron and Alex romance were merely speculations and that they were never an item in the first place?

alexandra burke boyfriend nicholas nick sagar

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Dolce Gabbana Pajamas for Men: David Gandy’s Sleepwear

Dolce Gabbana Pajamas for Men: David Gandy’s Sleepwear. Our imaginary model boyfriend David Gandy rocks his Dolce and Gabbana pajamas sleepwear during a recent fashion show. OMG. He is so the man we’d like to share our bed with. Who among you ladies (and non-ladies) fancy spending the night with this guy? Hey, it’s everyone! We don’t blame you. And we give you props for having good taste. Hehehe.

dolce gabbana pajamas

It’s very very unlikely that we’ll truly end up in bed with this British hunk but, heck, we can dream about him, can’t we? Here’s two D&G tighty whitie underwear photos of our David to aid you in your dreams. Hehehe.

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