Gabriel Macht Shirtless, Young, Awards, Wife

Gabriel Macht Shirtless, Young, Awards, Wife. Anyone of you recognize the guy below? We showed the photo to your Famewatchers Deena and Kevin and it took both of them around five minutes before they were able to identify the guy. Deena identified him first because she just binged a show which starred our gorgeous man. What about you, can you ID him? He looks familiar doesn’t he?

Gabriel Macht young male model

If you still can’t ID our handsome hottie, here are screencaps from an episode of S and the City where he shares a scene with a young Sarah Jessica Parker.

Gabriel Macht young in s and the city2

Gabriel Macht young in s and the city

If you answered Gabriel Macht, then you are 100% correct. He was really, really cute when he was younger, no? Which is why we are bringing you more photos of the actor from when he was younger.

Gabriel Macht young3

If you do not already know, Gabriel is the lead actor of the TV series Suits which has been the talk of the town this summer because the show is making history as the most watched TV series across the various streaming services. It was a moderate ratings hit during its original run on the USA Network but is reaching new heights of popularity courtesy of Netflix.

Gabriel Macht young

Gabriel Macht gay or straight

Gabriel Macht Shirtless and Underwear Photos. Now, because we know that lots of you are thirsty for our Gabriel — shame on you, the guy is married — we went looking for photos of the guy for you to drool over. Hehe. Here’s one from the 2008 movie, The Spirit:

Gabriel Macht shirtless in the spirit

He’s gone shirtless in several episodes of Suits like this one:

Gabriel Macht shirtless in suits

A young Gabriel when he guested at the Michael J. Fox TV series Spin City where he played the role simply called “N*ked Guy”:

Gabriel Macht shirtless in spin city

Next photos are from the 2009 drama One Way to Valhalla:

Gabriel Macht shirtless and young

Gabriel Macht shirtless in One Way To Valhalla

Unfortunately, we haven’t found any photo of the actor in his underoos but the next pic of him with a wrap-around towel (or maybe it is a sarong) should be a good substitute, no?

Gabriel Macht underwear in one way to valhalla

Gabriel Macht Gay or Straight? He is straight and married to wife Jacinda Barrett. Here’s the couple attending the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle:

Gabriel Macht wife Jacinda Barrett royal wedding

Gabriel Macht Awards. Very early in his career, he was nominated for the Best Actor Award at the 1982 Young Artist Awards. Later on, in 2007, he bagged an acting ensemble award — the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival — with his fellow cast members of the movie The Good Shepherd.

Gabriel Macht awards in the good shepherd

Gabriel Macht Shirtless, Young, Wedding, Wife. Last updated: August 22, 2023 at 12:39 pm.