Paolo Montalban Young, Now, Shirtless, and Girlfriend. We thought we already wrote about Paolo Montalban for being the first actor of color to star as a Disney Prince but, apparently, we did not. Well, as they say, ’tis better late than never. Also writing about famous people at a later date gives us more information to go by. Hehe.
Anyhoo, the above photo of a young Paolo Montalban bareback riding a horse, which we saw about back in the age of the early internets, intrigued us and made us want to write a blog post about him. We remember googling to find out more about the guy and we learned that he is Filipino American, that he was once named among People Magazine’s Top 50 Hot List (or whatever it’s called), and we also found out that he starred in a 1997 TV-movie called Cinderella which makes him, if we are not mistaken and as we already mentioned, the first-ever person of color to star as a Disney prince in a movie.
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