Elliott and Luke Tittensor Shirtless Twins: Gay Elliott vs. Luke in Thong Underwear? Who is the hotter twin brother? Elliot or Luke Tittensor? It’s actually hard to choose between the two. One is hot while the other is just as hot. One is cool, the other is cool. One won an acting award, the other also has an acting award to boast about.
One has tons of shirtless and underwear photos, the other has less of such pics. But, since they are identical twins, who really can tell — except themselves of course — who is the shirtless underwear-clad one?
What acting awards have these Tittentor twins won? Elliott won the Best Actor in a Short Film (2009) at the Strasbourg International Film Festival for his role in the gay movie Protect Me from What I Want where he and Naveed Choudhry bounced the pogo sticks.
What kind of underwear does Elliott want to wear? He wore boxer briefs in Protect Me from What I Want.
But then we see him rocking his skimpy briefs in this photoshoot for Attitude Magazine. [Question to Famewatchers in the know: What exactly does Scallywag mean and how does it apply to our Elliott?]
He rocks his green Speedo swimsuit too!
Oops, let’s not forget about Luke, shall we? For those of you wondering what his acting award which we mentioned in the beginning of this post, IMDB tells us that he won the 2006 “Spectacular Scene of the Year Award” from the British Soap Awards. He shares the award with Eden Taylor-Draper, Brian Morgan, and Neil Alderton.
Now, unlike his twin brother Elliott who has tons of shirtless and underwear photos around the internets, the only shirtless Luke we came across is our next pic below.
Now, the lack of shirtless Luke photos almost made us declare Elliott as the hotter Tittensor twin but then Deena came across this video of Luke dancing in a pair of thong underwear and sent it to us with a note that says, “This is hotter than the tons of shirtless & underwear photos of his brother Elliott!!!”
Do you agree with Deena? She’s got a point but we are not ready to concede that a short video clip of Luke in thongs outranks countless shirtless pics of Elliott like the one below. Let’s call it even, shall we? Let’s agree for now that they are equally hawt!
Elliott Luke Tittensor Shirtless Hotter Twin Brother: Gay Elliott vs Luke in Thong Underwear? Posted 8 February 2013.