Calum Scott Shirtless Body, Underwear, and Coming Out. We’re years late with this update but it’s better late than never.
Apparently, our dear sweet Calum is indeed a friend of Dorothy. He came out after his Britain’s Got Talent gig and, despite some initial challenges adjusting to the life of an openly gay celebrity, says that he is comfortable to be out in public.
Does he have a boyfriend at the moment? Apparently, he is single now after he split with his first ever boyfriend because of his busy schedule which stood in the way.
Calum tells us more about his ex-boo (via “The guy was lovely. We had a great laugh. The feelings had started to accelerate. He wanted a little bit more from me than I could give him. I had to step away, which was quite sad because it’s not that I didn’t want to see him any more, it’s just that I had a really busy schedule coming up, and he was eager to get serious, to make something of this, not waste his time. I knew I couldn’t give him that. I’m not used to this dating game, I felt really bad.”
Awww. We felt bad for them too. But this does not mean there’s no future for them right? What’s that saying about your love coming back to you if you’re really meant to be?
Anyhoo, here’s a shirtless photo of the British singer showing his body transformation.
And promoting LGBT pride on his Instagram (follow him @calumscott).
Another shirtless photo courtesy of Flaunt Magazine.
And, finally, our favorite male celebrity underwear photo ever!!!
Calum Scott Girlfriend or Gay? (17 May 2015). We have a new imaginary beau here at Famewatcher courtesy of our frenemy Simon Cowell. Although we hate Simon for his smugness and for effin’ and impregnating his friend’s wife, he still get props for creating the Got Talent franchise which, every now an then, gives us a cutie to crush on and ogle at. This time, in the 2015 edition of Britain’s Got Talent, that cutie is Calum Scott.
Watch him sing with the voice of an angel. Hehe. Re-live his audition if you watched it already.
Tell us we are not the only ones who’ve got a crush on him. Does Calum Scott have a girlfriend (or boyfriend)? Or is he single and still available for the taking? What do you think?
Maybe this is his girlfriend? This is a pic Calum shared with his followers on Instagram.
Or is this is boyfriend? Nah! They may look good together but the other guy is Swedish singer Jonas Erik Altberg aka Basshunter.
Anyhoo, according to a recent article in Hello Magazine, Calum Scott is “currently single”. And, apparently, we are not the only ones crushing on the British singer. He tells Digital Spy, “I’ve had a few marriage proposals. I’ve had a guy tweet me saying he’s ready to hand over his soul. Anything could happen by the sounds of it!”
We won’t be surprised if the guy he is referring to is our friend Kevin. Hehe. Kevin and Calum sitting on a tree. Wanna see what Calum looked like when he was a wee little baby? Here he is with his mum and dad!
Come to think of it, ain’t his dad actually hawter than Calum?
Calum Scott Shirtless Body, Underwear, and Boyfriend. Posted 17 May 2015. Last updated: August 17, 2020 at 14:27 pm.