Bryan Singer Update. Oh boy, what a difference a few years make! We are updating this post to note that the noted director, who was at the top of Hollywood a few years back, has sort of become a persona non grata in the entertainment biz. Why, you ask? Because of several allegations that he took advantage of and abused eager young guys coming to Hollywood to pursue their showbiz dreams.
Damn! He faced several lawsuits for his alleged abuse of these dudes and he seem to have beaten said lawsuits (through settlements) but the stories about his predatory ways are too many for Hollywood to ignore.
Bryan Singer Boyfriend: Male Model Jess (Posted 19 January 2013). Let’s put this in the “We Did Not Know That Department”. Apparently, X-Men director Bryan Singer is into guys. And, if you believe internet rumors from back in 2011, he has a boyfriend named Jess who is a pretty famous actor in adult movies (for guys who are into guys). Anyhoo, here’s the reported Bryan Singer boyfriend. Ain’t he cute? He’s got a nice smile too.
Good for Bryan Singer for finding a cute boyfriend, no? Okay, we must admit that we really don’t know if the powerful director and this guy really became an item and, if they were, whether they are still in a relationship. Still, we decided to blog about them because we are amused by the comments we came across one site which are criticizing/condemning the director for maybe shacking up with a younger guy. The director was 46 when they supposedly hooked up while the Jess was in his early twenties.
What did the commenters say about this supposed relationship? Here you go:
- So typical. Rather than date someone closer to his age and professional background. Again, this feeds the stereotype that we’re only interested in pretty young things. Or maybe it is not a stereotype after all.
- So you would rather he date a clone of himself? Some of us like to date people who aren’t necessarily similar to ourselves, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you think it isn’t socially acceptable or whatever, and that we should honestly care what your opinion is, then you can go eff yourself.
- Hey if I were rich and famous and flying around on private jets I’d date models and p**n stars too.
- Yeah, I don’t like it when older people with money and power feed off of the young. It happens in both the straight and LGBT communities and is equally gross in both cases. Hugh Hefner is an example and I guess Bryan Singer is another.
- I’m an old white man and I have a guy 25 yrs younger than me and I haven’t got a pot to piss in. So I guess he loves me for me. Geeze that’s a new concept.
- So effing what about an age difference? Jeez, we’re fighting stupid outdated impositions of morality as it is. The last thing we need is to start dictating what age gap is appropriate for other people amongst ourselves. If he was 90 and the kid was 18, I’d say good luck to them, for whatever reason they are together. It’s just nobody else’s business, and I’m pretty disappointed that this site is even bothering to report on this piece.
- How does this make Singer any different from any other Hollywood multimillionaire middle aged guy? LOL! Michael Douglas is how much older than Catherine Zeta Jones? Woody Allen married his step daughter (whom helped to raise)! Rich older guys going for younger, blonder models is classic Hollywood. Did you never see the movie the “First Wives Club”? Why should we expect him to not be as shallow as his peers?
So there you have it. It is an endless debate. We must say that we are with those who say that Bryan can date anyone he wants so long as he is not forcing anyone to date him. If he wants to date a dude and said dude also wants to date the director, why should we criticize them?
Bryan Singer Boyfriend: Jess the Male Model. Posted 19 January 2013. Last updated: September 20, 2021 at 22:40 pm.