Brian Williams Shirtless Photos. Please tell us we are not the only ones who watch NBC Nightly News and go, “Hmmm. This Brian Williams is a hottie. Does he have a shirtless photo we can ogle at?” Unfortunately, it seems like our sexy news daddy isn’t into getting himself photographed without his shirt unlike, say, his NBC colleague Matt Lauer who looks pretty good when he takes off his shirt but who we still haven’t forgiven for his douchy role in the Ann Curry debacle.
Brian in tight jeans is way way hotter than a shirtless Matt Lauer, no?
Anyhoo, the guys of Saturday Night Live might also be itching to see a shirtless Brian Williams because they photoshopped his face to this image of a hunky male model when they did a parody of the MTV show, Catfish. Speaking of Catfish, check out its host Nev Shulman’s shirtless photos and furry chest.
If we were Brian Williams, we won’t be complaining to the SNL guys because they gave us a body to die for. The head is weird though. Hehe.
Although Brian Williams, the news anchor, is not into getting himself photographed shirtless, there are other Brian Williamses out there who are more liberal when it comes to exposing themselves. One of them is this cute millenial (we’re assuming he is millenials because millenials are all about selfies) who shared his photos on Twitter (follow him at @publicignorance).
Look who’s wearing Hanes underwear? It’s the millenial Brian Williams. No clue whether its boxers or briefs though.
Another Brian Williams who was photographed shirtless is former NBA basketball player Bison Dele whose original/birth name was Brian Williams.
Brian/Bison was a first round draft pick in the 1991 NBA Draft who went on to become the highest paid player for the Detroit Pistons. He also reportedly dated Madonna. Sadly, Bison disappeared with his girlfriend (Serena Carlan) and skipper Bertrand Saldo when they went on a yachting vacation in the South Pacific.
It was suspected that Brian/Bison’s brother killed them (as he’s the only one who returned from the vacation) but he committed suicide while the mysterious disappearances were being investigated. Very sad, no? May the three victims rest in peace.