Bras Made for Men, Really? (posted 28 February 2009): Here’s a Reuters report about a new male fashion trend in the Land of the Rising Sun aka Japan. Is this really happening? We guess our questions are “Why would a man want to wear a bra? Does it do anything? Does it protect the male chest? What is the practical purpose of the male bra?” Ugh. Questions. Questions. We’re confused. Seriously, can someone explain to us the benefits for men if they wear a bra?
For a somewhat related topic, go check out our post on men’s corsets. Anyhoo, here’s part of the Reuters report on the Japanese designer and seller of men’s bras:
“I like this tight feeling. It feels good,” Wishroom representative Masayuki Tsuchiya told Reuters as he modeled the bra, which can be worn discreetly under men’s clothing.
Wishroom Executive Director Akiko Okunomiya said she was surprised at the number of men who were looking for their inner woman.
“I think more and more men are becoming interested in bras. Since we launched the men’s bra, we’ve been getting feedback from customers saying ‘wow, we’d been waiting for this for such a long time’,” she said.
It Ain’t Just Japan (7 May 2009): When we blogged about bras made for men which is reportedly a big hit in Japan, we didn’t realize that it would generate such interest. We also didn’t realize that, as you can see in these photos, the practice of men wearing bras is not limited to Japan.
Heck even he-man celebrities like Daniel Craig wear them.
Okay, this photo of the James Bond actor wearing a leather bra is obviously photoshopped but wouldn’t it be fun if he actually does wear bras made for men?
Now, there’s no photoshopping in the next two photos. We don’t know what prompted these guys to wear bras but they sure look like they are enjoying the experience.
So what exactly motivated men to start wearing bra underwear? Maybe they have manboobs or moobs they have to protect? What say you, Simon Cowell, ever tried buying bras for your moobs?
Bras Made for Men 2017 Update: We are updating this post in February 2017 to note that, according to a Daily Mail report, the bras for men business in Japan is still going strong. “Enthusiasts” have more choices too in terms of the things they can buy. Here’s some of them:
Bras made for men come in various colors, in various shapes and forms, and in various textiles. Maybe you’d like to buy a lacy bra?
Mirror, mirror on the wall, which is the best bra among them all?