Category Archives: Black Male Celebrities

John Boyega Shirtless – Girlfriend? Gay or Straight?

Some guys like John Boyega just have IT. By IT we mean hawtness. By IT we mean oozing with s*x appeal. By IT we mean a certain intangible, hard-to-characterize magnetism that draws our attention to a person.

Seriously check out John Boyega in this photo from the Hollywood Reporter. Ain’t he s*xiness personified? He also reminds us of a young Muhammad Ali. And there’s some resemblance to Denzel Washingtoon too.

john boyega hot suit2

Continue reading John Boyega Shirtless – Girlfriend? Gay or Straight?

Black Gay Actors in Hollywood: 8 Gay Brothers in Movies and Television

Black Gay Actors in Hollywood. This is Part II of our black gay male celebrities series. This time, we are focusing on your favorite out African-American movie and TV stars.

Doug Spearman. Most known for his role in Noah’s Arc, Doug actually has 20 acting credits as well as two producing/directing credits to his name.

black gay actors - Doug Spearman

Continue reading Black Gay Actors in Hollywood: 8 Gay Brothers in Movies and Television

Black Gay Male Celebrities: 12 Famous Black Gay Men

Here’s a list of ten black gay male celebrities for those of you who are looking. You know who you are, honey. Of course, we have to begin the list with a man who is very much in the news these days after he came out as a gay man.

1. Yusaf Mack. The professional boxer admitted that he is also into guys after he was caught performing in an adult movie with two other dudes. The 35-year-old father of ten kids has a winning record as a pro; in a total of 41 boxing matches, he recorded 31 wins (17 by knockouts), 8 losses, and 2 draws.

black gay male celebrities - yusaf mack

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Echo Kellum Gay or Girlfriend: Shirtless and Underwear Photos

Look who’s coming to your TV screen as a gay superhero? It’s Echo Kellum! According to, the Chicago actor/comedian has been cast to play Mr. Terrific (aka Curtis Holt) on The CW’s hit, Arrow.

And, get this, the Arrow powers-that-be have decided to make Mr. Terrific gay. Awesome. Does this mean they will be pairing up Echo with a boyfriend or husband? They should, right? What’s the point of making him gay if he’s going to be by his lonesome?

Echo Kellum shirtless in A To Z

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Michael Sam Shirtless, Underwear, and Boyfriend Sean Smith

Michael Sam Shirtless, Underwear, and Boyfriend Photos. Does college football hunk and prospective NFLer Michael Sam currently have a boyfriend? He mentioned dating someone in his NY Times interview but didn’t name who the lucky guy was/is (he’s supposedly a member of the university swim team) or whether they are still on.

michael sam sports illustrated cover boy

Anyhoo, the guys of Media Takeout have unearthed these photos of Michael getting cozy cozy with a kinda twinkie dude.

Continue reading Michael Sam Shirtless, Underwear, and Boyfriend Sean Smith

Pooch Hall Underwear, Shirtless Photos, Gay or Girlfriend?

Pooch Hall Underwear, Shirtless Photos, Gay or Girlfriend? Ordinarily, we don’t like guys with low rise jeans particularly those with their underwear peeking out of their pants but we give an exemption to Pooch Hall. How can we not? The guy is the very definition of a hawt, hawt, hawtie hunk and we are all for that kinda guy. Haha.

pooch hall bleu magazine coverboy

Well, at least we are being honest.

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