Bill Reilich Shirtless, Underwear, Ex On the Beach. Anyone of you watching Ex On the Beach? We’d watch it too if it is on our TV but, at this point, we only have access to dating shows that are on Netflix. Haha. Anyhoo, we are asking because, apparently, Ellen’s gardener aka Bill Reilich was on the third season of the show which aired in 2019.
The relevant tea from the show which necessitated this update: He came out as pan and that the show gave him the opportunity to reconnect with his exes — ex-girlfriends Cara Cooper and Emily Arreseigor as well as ex-boyfriend Tyler Garrigus. On the show, our Billy wanted to have an open relationship with Emily and Tyler but both nixed the idea. Awww, open relationships are certainly not for everyone. Tyler is really, really cute, no?
Bill Reilich Shirtless Muscle Hunk (27 September 2014). Oh my. Look at all them muscles on Ellen Degeneres’ gardener Nick aka Bill Reilich. What is his workout routine like to get all those hard biceps and abs and glutes and everything we wish for in our man?
Here’s another pic of Bill looking awesome in his “musclyness”. We grabbed these photos from his Instagram account which, if you are a fan of him, you should follow at @billreilich.
Is Bill Reilich Gay or Straight? We don’t know but the next photo below is kinda gay. Hehe. After all, didn’t gay diva Kathy Griffin say that hot guys tend to be gay while straight guys tend to be non-in-good-shape and “slobby”?
Bill is hawt, hawt, hawt … ergo, he is a friend of Kathy. What’s happening in the next photo below? It kinda reminds us of the totem pole hubby and I saw in British Columbia.
Let’s include Nick the Gardener in the “Men Who Wear Women’s Underwear” club. So far, the club’s membership includes up-and-coming actor Logan Lerman (see Logan Lerman Underwear) and Martin Sheen (see Martin Sheen’s Ellen Underwear).
Whoa…. he’s wearing a V-Neck shirt. If the Malaysian education department is to be believed, this is an indicator that a man is gay. Other things said department mentioned as “gay identifiers” include: wearing form-fitting t-shirts and being proud of one’s muscles. Kinda applies to our Bill, no?
Hmmm. Stop the he-is-gay nonsense, Bill may actually have a girlfriend? Is it this brunette beauty? If so, she is a very very lucky gal.
Another pic of Bill in his Ellen boxer briefs underwear. Does Ellen only sell boxer briefs? We can’t remember any of her male guests ever wearing Ellen briefs.
In a recent episode of the Ellen Degeneres Show, the funny comedian got Bill an audition for the sequel of the male stripper movie, Magic Mike. We will keep you posted if he got a role in the movie. We sure hope he did because it would be fun to see Ellen’s gardener becomeĀ a legit Hollywood celebrity.
Bill Reilich Shirtless, Underwear, Ellen’s Gardener. Posted 27 September 2014. Last updated: September 18, 2023 at 13:38 pm.