Actors in Leather Pants: 10 Stars Who Look Good in Leather Pants. Want more mens in leather pants? Of course you do. Your Famewatcher foursome — especially Kevin — love us our guys wearing leather pants. And fellow Famewatchers we met IRL also turn out to be leather lovers. Which is why we decided to bring you this list of Ten Actors Who Look Good in Leather Pants. Whose got the best look? Well, you have to check them out first before you decide. Right?
Anyhoo, let’s start our list with our imaginary leather daddy David Boreanaz. Ain’t he fine?
Comedian Eddie Murphy may not be as active nor as famous as he once was but you cannot deny the fact that he looks good in them leather pants.
Of course Batman himself loves to wear leather pants. Nah, not really, it’s actor Christian Bale who played Batman in them blockbuster movies.
Speaking of actors who play Batman and who wear leather pants, check out Ben Affleck aka the latest Batman.
Of course John Barrowman looks good in leather pants. He looks good in anything he wears. And he looks good too if he’s not wearing anything, you know, au naturelle or whatever they say in French.
Okay, we gotta admit that Chris Pine is our favorite of all these actors in leather pants. The boy is just so pretty to look at.
Channing Tatum rocked the leather look in last year’s Jupiter Ascending. Too bad the movie ain’t good so it didn’t fare well in the box office. Good thing our Channing has the Magic Mike movies to fall back on.
Who knew Eric McCormick would be back again as Will on Will and Grace? Who knew that the audience still love the show such that it has become of the NBC’s hits this season. Nice!
Our imaginary daytime soap daddy rocks both his shirtlessness and his leather pants.
Last but not the least in our list of Ten Hot Actors in Leather Pants is our friend Kevin’s imaginary beau, Gerard Butler.
So do you have a favorite among these ten leather-loving actors? We won’t blame you if you also pick Chris Pine like we did. Hehe.
Actors in Leather Pants: 10 Stars Who Look Good in Leather Pants. Posted 12 December 2017. Last updated: February 23, 2020 at 3:55 am.