Marc Jacobs Jacket for Men: Robert Pattinson Fashion Style

Marc Jacobs Jacket for Men: Robert Pattinson Fashion Style. Because it’s Robert Pattinson Fashion Week here at Famewatcher, let’s continue blogging about the Twilight actor’s sense of fashion. What do you think of his Marc Jacobs jacket? Is it cool and stylish enough for your taste?

black jackets for men. celebrities wearing marc jacobs male jackets. robert pattinson fashion style watch

A closer look at Marc Jacobs jacket.

baseball jacket by marc jacobs on robert pattinson

Who you textin’, Mr. Pattinson?


Marc Jacobs Bomber Jacket on Robert Pattinson
22 October 2010

wool jackets for men. luxury designer menswear. marc jacobs for robert pattinson

Did we say its Robert Pattinson Fashion Week here at Famewatcher? Well, it is! So we hope you enjoy our posts on the many many different menswear labels that our RPattz wears. Here’s our Hollywood actor looking fab in a bomber jacket by Marc Jacobs.

Let’s take a closer look at the wool jacket (with a cashmere coating). Pretty neat, huh? No wonder RPattz likes it enough to buy it.

wool jacket for men. marc jacobs wool jacket with cashmere coating

More photos of Robert Pattinson wearing his Marc Jacobs Wool-Cashmere Bomber Jacket.

robert pattinson fashion style watch. marc jacobs wool cashmere jacket


Robert Pattinson’s Marc by Marc Jacobs Jacket
24 October 2010

marc jacobs designer jacket. celebrities wearing marc jacobs

Hollywood actor Robert Pattinson must really really love him his Marc Jacobs outfits, no? Here’s our RPattz once again wearing a Marc Jacobs Jacket. This is the nth time we blogged about him and his Marc.

celebrities wearing marc jacobs jacket. robert pattinson jacket watch

So which of the above Marc Jacobs jackets is your favorite? Which one would you buy to add to your closet collection?


Adam Kimmel Jacket for Robert Pattinson
27 October 2010

Of course the Twilight hunk also wears other jackets by designers not named Marc Jacobs. Here’s Robert wearing an Adam Kimmel jacket.

Robert with his onscreen (and probably offscreen) love interest Kristen Stewart.


Robert Pattinson’s LnA Pullover Hoodie Jacket
31 October 2010

hoodie jacket for men. lna pullover hoodie for robert pattinson

Is that guy in blue hoodie jacket the Unabomber? Nah, of course not. That guy is no other than Mr. Twilight Dude himself aka Robert Pattinson wearing an LnA Pullover Hoodie Jacket. But, well, honestly we can’t blame you if you think he kinda looks like the Unabomber. Hehe.

lna pullover hoodie mens jacket.

For other celebrities who wear hoodie jackets, check out Chace Crawford’s Winter Hoodie Jacket by Alternative Apparel, Danny Cipriani’s Adidas Hoodie Jacket, and well let’s have RPattz himself and his Original Penguin Secret Sam Hoodie.

Marc Jacobs Jacket for Men: Robert Pattinson Fashion Style. Posted 20 October 2010.