Brangelina Humanitarian Work: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Projects

Brangelina Humanitarian Work: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Projects. Let’s take a break from those silly money laundering rabbis and cute but corrupt politicians of New Jersey to talk about something positive for a change. And by something positive, we mean Angelina Jolie visiting Baghdad, Iraq to look at the human refugee situation in that country pulverized by George “The Stupid” Bush.

brangelina humanitarian work

So what’s the refugee situation in Iraq like? According to the AP quoting a UNHCR official quoting Angie, this is what it’s like: “This is a moment where things seem to be improving on the ground, but Iraqis need a lot of support and help to rebuild their lives.”

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Rabbi Saul Kassin Money Laundering Scandal

Rabbi Saul Kassin Money Laundering Scandal. Even more scandalous than the alleged involvement of a young and promising politician like Peter Cammarano in the New Jersey corruption scandal is the involvement of religious leaders like Rabbi Saul Kassin in money laundering. He is being accused of laundering more than $200,000 through his charities.

Geeze. Religious guys being so concerned with worldly wealth? Now that’s something new. Nah, not really. It’s as old as when religions became organized scams.

Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano: Arrested for Corruption Okay, here are some details on the alleged involvement of Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano — that’s him in the pic, isn’t he kinda cute — which we mentioned in our earlier post on this developing New Jersey scandal.

Continue reading Rabbi Saul Kassin Money Laundering Scandal

Jordan Crawford Slam Dunks LeBron James – Video

Here’s the video that basketball superstar LeBron James didn’t want you to see. Come on, LeBron. There’s nothing wrong with being dunked. It’s a part of the game isn’t it? Great players shouldn’t be embarrassed by things like this. It does not diminish their greatness. But your greatness does diminish if you try to hide something like this. That’s being small-minded. And petty. And silly.

Props to high school ball player Jordan Crawford for that dunk he made.

Leicester Bryce Stovell: LeBron James’ Father?
08 July 2010

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